Keeping Images Off Social Media

If you are new here you may not know this but your images are kept private and not shared by me on social media, I don't even ask clients to share their images.....I know right? Sometimes I have clients come back and give permission and even request me to share their images because they are excited to see them online and may not want to share them from their own profile, and that is amazing I am happy to do that. When I deliver your digital copies I don't even ask about sharing because that is never my intent when working with clients. My focus is on building you up and supporting you in enjoying the experience and seeing yourself in a new way, giving that confidence boost and telling your story through your personal album.

Boudoir images are so private in nature and it takes a lot of courage to walk through my studio doors, I get it! As women we are guilted into so much during our lives and guilt is not something I ever want a woman to take away from a session with me for feeling guilty about not wanting me to share. I am more than happy to provide a private experience. I don’t talk about other clients or even confirmI have photographed someone unless a client tells me their friend referred them.

All images shared are taken by me or through my studio. Once a year I hold a model call and schedule a handful of sessions for the whole year to create marketing images and take behind the scenes clips to make reels with. These sessions are taken for the purpose of sharing and also for me to grow as an artist and learning new techniques/building sets. There are no video clips taken during non-model sessions however after a few requests lately I am putting together a social media package pre-session add-on for ladies who do want something like video clips to have for themselves.

So the takeaway here is that if privacy is a concern and not wanting me to share your images, that is definitely not an issue.


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